Singer, N (3013, November 12)They Loved Your G.P.A, Then They Saw Your Tweets. Retrieved from
Social Media has become part of our lives, we usually use it as a way to relief our thought, but without knowing it can affect our job and education. In this article, Natasha Singer reports how a single post on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media can simply ruins student lives. Admission officers are not only looking at your perfect G.P.A, or your good development through high school, they also checking your posts. Their final decision depends in the way you express about someone or something. Many high school students during their application process delete most of their post and are more conscious about their publications, they want to give the good impression, and some student make the mistake to think that admission officers are old people when actually younger with better skills in technology are in charge of those areas. So careful with your post, photos, or videos, because people can judge you from them and it may get you fired or may affect your education.
I do agree on collages and workforce checking your Facebook or other social media account that you have. Professional life and Privacy life are becoming to be juxtapose. so close that is potentially becoming one and this shapes your overall impression towards the world.